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Post Date : 21 Dec 2024

Hello all I am Krithikesh, and I am 9 year old kid who loves to travel and see the world. I live In a family of 6, and this is my first journey. I  would like to talk about my visit to United States of America 🇺🇸. 


First off, I started my journey at Kemp-Gowda International Airport ✈️ our flight was at midnight 2 a.m. It was a hectic schedule and excitement of going on trip was itself not allowing me to have any sleep 😴. 

After 30 minutes of our boarding,we were served with buns and tea, four hours later, we arrived at Delhi International Airport.But lack of  sleep kept me exhausted,but there was security check-in, and we  had a 16 hour long flight to Newark International Airport, and then my father's colleague's son, had come to pick us up and we were with his family for 4 days, but i could experience what was jet-lag during this period...odd-hours of sleep, and becoming fresh when everyone retired to bed. 

After that we had plans to visit my uncles place which is in Texas,hence boarded another flight to Texas International Airport, which was 3 hours away from New York International Airport. Then I was so happy to see my uncle after 4  years, and he had picked us up from the airport. And we headed to my uncle's house, and I was really really happy to see my cousins and my aunt, Then we stayed there for a week and went to some of Family-friends and relatives places.All of us went to an amusement park called Sea-World .I really loved it  all the fun water rides, and I went on a roller coaster named ' Steel Eal ' it was soo fun.

Then we visited Alma-Palace, an historic monument in American History, Hindu-temple,NASA Head-quarters. 


After 4 days of fun-filled trip, and a week of Family-Time,later we to returned back to NewJersey. I really missed my cousins. 


We  we went to take a stroll around the streets of Times Square,New York, and we visited Central Park, Empire State Building. 

Then we reached Liberty Island and took a 10 min ship ride, and then we the Statue of Liberty.

We started back to Bengaluru after 1 month US-trip, and we are here. The one month was an amazing vacation we had, getting to know about a country which is other part of world, knowing its timezone,cultures, way of living....everything to be cherished on sametime appreciating our own culture.